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Our cooling eucalyptus silk sheets are made without dyes, toxic chemicals, micro-plastics, pesticides, fertilizers, or petroleum. Indulge in the ultimate sleep experience with sleepmōd’s vegan eucalyptus silk sheets—luxuriously soft, breathable, and sustainably made.
自然柔软。 我们的 400TC 缎纹桉树床单源自大自然,具有丝般柔软的感觉,可在您入睡时轻抚您的肌肤。在电子显微镜下观察时,TENCEL™ Lyocell 纤维呈现出异常光滑的表面区域,赋予我们的床单奢华的光泽和极其柔软的触感……有点像高支棉和缎子的混合体。
经过可持续发展和生态友好认证。 TENCEL™ 为对环境有害的棉花、超细纤维、竹粘胶和丝绸生产提供了环保解决方案。 TENCEL™ Lyocell 由可持续的桉树和其他可持续管理的树种制成,并获得多项环境认证(见下文)。这些可持续管理的森林是天然的可再生原材料来源,它们的生长不使用化肥或杀虫剂。此外,TENCEL™ Lyocell 的无氯闭环技术可回收工艺用水并重复利用其单一有机溶剂,回收率超过 99.5%。我们的未染色、完全可生物降解的 TENCEL™ Lyocell 板材可节省水和能源,不使用石油,并且不会造成农药污染、化肥污染、纺织染料污染、海洋垃圾或微塑料污染。
温和且低过敏。 TENCEL™ Lyocell 经 OEKO-TEX 认证不含化学物质® Standard 100,具有天然的温和性,使其成为婴儿衣服、内衣,当然还有床上用品的首选。不含染料、不含化学物质且低过敏性,这意味着我们的面料非常适合敏感皮肤或只想在极其柔软的面料中睡觉的人士。我们的面料整夜吸走身体的水分和油脂,让您醒来时皮肤和头发感觉清新。它的抗菌特性有助于预防痤疮,同时其防臭特性可以让您的床单保持更长久的清新。
凉爽透气。 我们的面料由天然植物材料制成,其结构可调节水分的吸收和释放。这有助于提高透气性,支持身体的自然温度调节特性,为您的皮肤带来清爽的凉爽感,让您整夜保持舒适。
设置组件。 每套包括一件床笠、一件床单和两个枕套(双人床单套装需要一个枕套)。
口袋深度。 16 英寸(适合深度达 18 英寸的床垫。)
To learn more about the certifications of TENCEL™, click here.
If you do not love your sleepmōd® eucalyptus silk sheets within 180 days, simply return your product(s) for a full refund.
Cal King
Machine wash on a cold & gentle cycle. Use chlorine-free bleach and bio-based detergent which are better for the environment. Do not use fabric softener. Do not dry clean. Avoid mixed loads, as other garments in the load may cause abrasion or tears. Tumble dry on a gentle cycle and low heat.
I am so happy to have been introduced to these wonderful sheets and this brand.
Simply luxurious!
Highly recommend
The sheets feel very well made and very pleasant to the touch.
I love the texture of the silk. Great wuality ☺️
These sheets were of great quality and airy. I was so excited to receive these and they exceeding all of my expectations! Will recommend to everyone.
I've bought many other sheets that claim to be cooling but definitely aren't. These sheets feel amazing and actually cool my skin. I love them!